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Schmolke Investment Team

The World is not that Bad


You most likely won’t see many positive things coming out of the media this year, what with the presidential election and all the negative ads that will be generated against each of the candidates. This is something I was happy to see and feel like it needs to be seen by everyone. The world IS NOT THAT BAD. Are there bad things? Yes. Do we have problems? Yes. We also have problem solvers, we have good people out there. Bad news is more fun to read, I get it, but we need our dose of positive news as well to understand that we are NOT in the midst of an apocalypse.

Many good things are happening. COVID deaths are down and because of that, life expectancy has risen. Many good things are happening in the realm of clean energy and that is only going to grow. This article cites electric vehicles for a lot of this. EVs are great, I am a fan of them. They have some issues though. The technology surrounding them will only get better and as such many of those issues will be dealt with, but it’s going to take some time.

WE HAVE LESS VIOLENT CRIME. You wouldn’t know it because of how it’s reported, but it actually peaked in the early ‘90’s. There were a couple of years it rose since then but on the whole, it has trended downward. I can write a book on why I think that is, but suffice it to say, I feel like it is just plain harder to get away with crime with all the tech we have now. It’s a deterrent, so some people who would’ve otherwise committed a crime just don’t because they realize they’ll probably get caught.

The last paragraph in the article is worth a read. It is something I try to preach to people. It talks about joy, having joy, and how expressing joy can affect changes in the way you think and feel in a positive way. The study is ongoing, but the results so far are promising.

We are not in as bad a shape as many would have us believe. Do we have issues? Sure. But we always keep moving forward.

Be kind to each other.
